Ep. 16: Healing Humanity As A Whole | Charles Eisenstein
I’m kicking off Season 2 with a truly brilliant guest: Charles Eisenstein. Charles is a speaker, writer and self-described “degrowth activist” who focuses on healing humanity and planet Earth. He is the author of several books including The Ascent of Humanity, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible, and Climate: A New Story. More recently he explored the COVID-19 pandemic in two insightful essays, The Coronation and The Conspiracy Myth - both well worth your time.
In this conversation we discuss:
The interconnectedness of health
Healing as a return to wholeness
Why we need to explore our unconscious beliefs and biases
COVID-19 and the various narratives being put forward
The role of viruses, bacteria and fungi in human evolution
How the “Story of Separation” has led to suffering, loneliness and poverty
How believing we’re on "team good" leads to the endless quest for power and control
How myths play into the massive polarisation of society
How the pandemic could potentially be a pivot point in human history. From here we can choose another story - one of interdependence and love rather than fear and separation.
And plenty more…
I hope you enjoy this episode. Please rate and review of you do.
Find out more about Charles at www.charleseisenstein.com